
Lin.go [ling-goh]
–noun, plural -goes.
  1. The language and speech, esp. the jargon, slang, or argot, of a particular field, group, or individual.
  2. Language or speech, esp. if strange or foreign.

iDevice in Short-forms:
iPhone 3GS = 3gs; iPhone3G = 3g; iPod touch 2G = ipt2g; iPod touch 3G = ipt3g.

Jailbreak (Wiki): Gives you read/write access to your iPhone. This also allows you to run 3rd party applications among other things.

Unlock: Unlocking the phone enables you to use any carrier’s GSM SIM card.

Activation: This is the process iTunes forces you to go through when your iPhone is first plugged in (or directly after a restore). Without activation through a legit account, your iPhone is essentially useless.

SIM Card: Stands for Subscriber Identity Module, It''s the little smart card that goes in the slot on the top of your iphone. This is where all your information (phone number, cell phone provider info, etc) is stored.

Cydia: Contains sources to repositories world-wide that hold third party applications which you can download directly to your iPhone via WiFi or 3G.

Repo or Repository: Web address you can add to Installer or Cydia to download applications. Different sources host different things like applications, wallpapers, themes, etc.

Firmware: Your current firmware can be thought of as your operating system version (IE. Windows XP Service Pack 1, 2, 3… Mac OS X 10.5.1, 10.5.2, 10.5.3… etc.). The latest version is iOS 4.0. You can find out what version you have by tapping Settings > General > About. Some applications will only run on certain firmwares.

Restore: This is the process to reset your phone to factory settings, like it was when you plucked it out of the box.

Baseband: Connects the phone part of the iPhone and the firmware allowing it to connect to cell towers for voice and data transfer.

Native Application: Programs that are installed on the iPhone by Apple.

Mod or Modification: Changing the way your phone behaves or looks by inserting your own graphics, code etc Applications like Customize for example help you change the look of your homescreen icons, sliders, battery icons and much more!

DFU Mode: DFU Mode stands for “Device Firmware Update” and is usually used to downgrade (restore to an earlier firmware) your iPhone.

Tethered/Untethered: This only affects iPhone3GS (new bootrom), iPod touch 2G (non-MC) & iPod touch 3G. Tethered requires codes to be injected on every boot-up, Untethered does not.

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