Saturday, June 26, 2010

iPhone 4 Camera beats other Smartphones

Macworld recently reviewed the new iPhone 4 camera with other high-end smartphones & entry-level digital cameras of the current time.

The iPhone 4 had, by a healthy margin, the best exposure and color scores of the entire bunch, beating out even the point-and-shoot cameras. It did run into trouble in the sharpness and distortion categories, performing much lower than the pocket cameras and similarly to the Droid.

While its image quality was impressive, it was the iPhone 4’s video capabilities that really stole the show in our lab tests. The Flip, which also records 720p, 30fps video, had just slightly better video quality than the iPhone 4, even in low-light.

To Conclude:

Apple said the quality of the camera parts is more important to capturing good photos than a high megapixel count. Our lab's test results support that theory, showing that a 5-megapixel camera can shoot higher quality images than an 8-megapixel camera.
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