Tuesday, June 29, 2010

iPhone3GS on iOS4 Overheating..

These few days on iOS4 Jailbroken with Sn0wbreeze, I have come to realize my 3GS is rather warm all the time... not sure why when i have only Mobilephone and iPod in the Multitasking dock.. Only just now my Phone was so hot that i could see condensation between my phone and the casing.. it almost freaked me out..

Word of advice, do not update to iOS4 till it settles down. I believe Apple would be coming out with a new iOS4 soon, ie. iOS4.01? To address these issues like the iPhone 3G being very sluggish on iOS4 even though multitasking is not available.

EDIT: I uninstalled iMovie app from my phone and everything back to normal, i think.. gonna observe my phone for a little longer..

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