Thursday, July 8, 2010

How to Create an Apple ID without a Credit Card

Wondering how to purchase free apps when you need a credit card to create an Apple ID?

Not to worry iCr8zy is here!! Just follow my simple steps and you'll be downloading tons of free apps in no time!

Note: To download paid apps, you'll still need a Credit Card to make payment.

Step 1:
Open iTunes, Navigate your way to a free app and click on Free App.

Step 2:
A small window will pop asking you to sign in to your Apple ID. Click on to Create New Account here!

Step 3:
iTunes will guide you through to create an account. Click on Continue.

Step 4:
Read through the T&C, accept it then Continue.

Step 5:
Enter all the fields then click on Continue again...

Step 6:
And there you have it, Payment Method to select None. Cool eh?
Complete the fields here too and you'll be off with your Apple ID without a Credit Card used!

Special thanks to:
Alwyn for the Screenshots
and Alwyn for the Guide. xD


  1. Wow, does that mean that if you download app in the app store that cost $ you dont have to pay?

  2. The is only for you to be able to download free apps.. Paid apps will still require a Credit Card to purchase... Hope that clarifies your doubt...
